
Love You To Bits 7~9 스테이지 공략

스눞히 2017. 3. 16. 03:19

이번주 IOS 무료 게임 Love You To Bits의 스테이지 공략입니다.

7스테이지 - A Dungeon in Panels

Love You To Bits

1 - Go through the door in the first panel, go down the ladder, and go to the right to get to the key that's encased in a block of ice. 

2 - Place it on this pedestal.

3 - Turn this wheel to move the fire to the left pedestal.

     Then turn the wheel again to move the fire to the right pedestal again.

4 - Go back up the ladder and take the key from the left pedestal. 

     Use this to open the door and then walk on through.

5 - Keep pressing use on these pots to smash them. 

    Repeat until you smash the one with the blue jewel inside. 

6 - Return to this first room and give the jewel to the troll.

    It will run off to the very bottom-right panel 

7 - When he's on the left, run into him again and he'll run right. pull on the chain here and it will drop a boulder on his head as he runs back. 

Bonus items

A - Look in this pile of skulls to find a sock.

B - Pull this lever here twice to drop two barrels into the water. They will float to the left where you can jump on them, and pick up a VHS tape from a gap in the wall, below the number 3 in our screenshot.

Love You To Bits  8 - A Shady Factory

1 - Go all the way down here, and grab the saw.

2 - climb on the cart, and use the saw to break through the chain.

3 - Climb on the cart again, this time climb up the left-most ladder so you can get the hook.

4 - Climb down and use the hook on the hanging hoop here, and then use the cart, to attach them together.

5 - Pull this lever.

6 - Go down to this elevator, and then ride it up so you can climb the left-most ladder 

7 - Use the saw again to detach the cart from the chain 

8 - Take the elevator down. Push the cart to the right so it runs over the elevator

9 - This wooden box.

10 - Push the cart left and then use the wooden box to climb up the chain here.

       Pull the lever.

Bonus items

A - After you have sawn off this chain, pull on it to make a Polaroid camera fall down.

B - a hoverboard, is hidden in this pile of junk.

Love You To Bits 9 - The Quantic Library

1 - Go to this area, and all fall in the blue portal. 

2 - Go down the ladder on the far-right, take the green jewel off the table with the lamp.

3 - take this magic book from the pedestal.

4 - Go up to the very top and use the green jewel on the stone head here.

5 - Go down the ladder and head left to get to this other stone head. Activate it using the moon jewel, and then twist the handle inside to move the ladder to the right. 

6 - Place the book in the bookshelf here. A secret door will appear. 

7 - You'll be here and can pick up the sun jewel from the floor. Go back through the door,

8 - This weird solar statue thingy. Pop the sun jewel inside. 

   This will make the entire level appear, and reunite the weird deer people at the bottom of the level. 


Bonus items

A - Use the magic wand on the fireplace until the object above the safe turns into a flower pot. 

Then take the blue book from the shelf to the right of the safe and read it -a magic raincloud will appear, and a key will grow out of the pot. Take it and unlock the safe.

B - Turn this painting upside down, and you'll be able to pull the cord at C. 

an asteroid will appear at the top. 

Then return to the painting and turn it 180 degrees so the asteroid is now at the bottom of the square. Return to C and pick it up.

2017/03/13 - [게임소식] - Love You To Bits 4~6 스테이지 공략
