
Love You To Bits 1~3 스테이지 공략

스눞히 2017. 3. 13. 12:07

이번주 IOS 무료게임 Love You To Bits 입니다.

아기자기한 그래픽과 사운드 그리고 스토리가 일품입니다.

1 - Cosmic Break-up

A - This level's essentially a tutorial, we won't spell it out for you. 

Just make sure you don't forget to pick up the record at position A.

2스테이지 A Slimy Future

Love You To Bits

1 - Climb the ladder and take the crowbar

2 - Use the crowbar

3 - Climb up the drainpipe on the right,  it drops down to the ground. Then go back down the drainpipe.

4 - Use the dangling firehose to jab it in the slime monster's butt. 

5 - Turn this valve to turn the hose on.

보너스 아이템

A - Pull the plumber skeleton out of this green pipe, then take a closer look at the bones to get the first item - a heart-shaped locket.

B - The second item, a doll, is stuff in this grate. 

3스테이지 - Matter of Perspective

Love You To Bits

1 - Climb down the ladder and pull this lever once. 

2 - Walk to this lever and pull it once. You're now upside down, which means you can...

3 - Walk to this totem and activate it.  goal in this Monument Valley inspired-level is to turn on all four totems.

4 - Return to the switch number 2 in our screenshot above and pull it twice. 

     You're now walking normally again and can activate the totem marked 4 in our screenshot.

5 - Return to switch number 2, pull it three times so you're walking on the right side of the wall. 

     This lets you go down and pull switch number 5.

6 - Try and grab Nova's arm from this crow. 

    It will fall... up. We'll have to come back for it later.

7 - Activate this totem.

8 - Return to switch number 5 and pull it. This gives you access to totem 8, which you can activate. 

    This will spin the top-right platform.

9 - Walk to this switch and pull it once. 

    You can now climb the right-most ladder on the screen.

10 - At the top you can now walk across the platform and enter the portal at 10. 

      This will send you to the bottom of the screen, allowing you to climb down the bottom-left platform...

11 - to get to the arm that the crow dropped. Enter the teleporter to finish the stage.

보너스 아이템

A - When you have access to this switch, pull it twice to make the mug in the centre of the screen go upside down. 

you access pick it up by walking underneath it (near the totem marked 8 in our screenshot)

B - To get the second item, navigate to totem 7 and pull the rope marked B. This will make it fall up to the top of the screen.

Then get back to totem 3 and pull the ropes in the order C, D, E as quickly as possible. 

If you get it right return to the very start of the level to get an hourglass.

2017/03/13 - [게임소식] - Love You To Bits 4~6 스테이지 공략

2017/02/14 - [하스스톤 카드분석] - 하스스톤 전시 관리인 알아보기
